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Procell Micro-Needling & Stem Cell Therapy improves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, uneven skin tone, acne & acne scarring. It also improves the clinical health of your skin by stimulating a rejuvenation cascade that your body already has.
Microchanneling vs. Microneedling
Both are minimally invasive aesthetic treatments that involve a device utilizing fine needles. However, Microchanneling is a less invasive skin rejuvenation and anti-aging treatment that uses shorter wire filaments than Microneedling devices. The wire filaments are used to stimulate the stem cells of the stratum basal in the epidermis, rather than using invasive needles
to damage dermal cells and fibroblasts. 
Microchanneling is the next generation of Microneedling.
Pricing & Timing
$400 per session
Buy 3 get 1 free $1200
60 or 90 minute sessions
General Guidelines:
60 minutes for 49 and younger
90 minutes for 50 and older 
(Because numbing and deeper needles are used)
Procell Microchanneling is performed by our trained and licensed estheticians: 
Colleen Tigges, Shealey Miloni & Diana Wills
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